Recent Content by kimmore

  1. kimmore

    Ragdoll or mixed Siamese? Or something else entirely?

    Hello everyone, this is my cat Pixie I'm very curious and confused about her breed bc some people told me she's a ragdoll but others told me she's a mixed Siamese. This is her mother (idk what breed she is) and this is her father (his owner told me he's a snowshoe but idk) If anyone knows...
  2. kimmore

    Please help

    It's on her back, a little bit to the right side
  3. kimmore

    Please help

    I was petting my cat (female 9months) and felt something hard, i looked between her hair and i found something like a dry patch as seen in the picture, and hair falling out of it (I'm sorry but i really don't know how to explain it). Please does anyone know what is this?
  4. kimmore

    Bent ears

    He's 15 months old
  5. kimmore

    Bent ears

    Hello everyone, my cat's ears have suddenly become bent/droopy at the tips (as seen in the picture). Does anyone know what causes that, and is it related to an illness? Should I be concerned?
  6. kimmore

    Water for my cats

    Thank you :)
  7. kimmore

    Water for my cats

    Hello everyone, I would really appreciate it if you all could give me some tips on how to make my cats drink water. Ever since I got them they've never drank water, they would smell it and maybe lick it once and never go back to it again, I try to give it to them daily, I change it regularly...
  8. kimmore

    Why's my cat being agressive

    He did it on the 9th of January 2023, he also got sick after the surgery and had to get several shots and mediations, so I guess just like you said he's behavior changed because of the trauma, hopefully he'll get back to normal. Thank you so much for your reply
  9. kimmore

    Why's my cat being agressive

    My male cat (1yo and neutered) is acting angry with my female cat (9 months and neutered). He wasn't like that with her before, he would play with her and stay next to her, but after getting neutered he started avoiding her and sometimes when he sees her next to him he would hiss at her and...
  10. kimmore

    Help me find out my cats breed

    Hello, I would really appreciate your guys'help in finding out my cats breed, I have always been curious about what my cats breed is but I never got to find out, and now that I found this website I thought that I should ask you all. The first one (white) is Pixie she's 8 months old, I adopted...