Recent Content by Kikikatz

  1. Kikikatz

    Recurrent Sinus Infection/Ataxia

    So in response to quality of life and extending his life, nasal cancer is supposedly very aggressive (2-6 months to live) and with the Chemo therapy I’ve extended his life by 2 years. He hated the vet and must be sedated because he is vicious (not all cats need sedation) but it was worth it as...
  2. Kikikatz

    Recurrent Sinus Infection/Ataxia

    My cat of 16 years has been battling Nasal Cancer for 2 years. First signs of it was a bloody nose and discharge so I’d definitely get a biopsy. At first my vets thought something was logged in his nasal cavity or an infection. He didn’t bleed for a few months so they thought it solved itself...