Recent Content by kigomin

  1. kigomin

    Cat injested laundry soap VIBES NEEDED

    Wow! I had the scare of my life reading this post. I had left my cat in the basement and then remembered there was soap powder around the laundry machine. Needless to say I came back full speed home praying he didn't walk on it and then licked the soap. My cat is such a groom freak. Thank god...
  2. kigomin

    Teeth clenching around cats

    Looks like I am not the only one here. My jaw is killing me since I adopted my cat. Especially now that I brush him everyday, his fur just feels amazing to touch.
  3. kigomin

    How to get a cat to cover their poop?

    Well what surprised me was that he usually doesn't do that...
  4. kigomin

    How to get a cat to cover their poop?

    Mine usually covers his but not tonight !! I really was mesmerized. It was a bigger than usual size so I thought maybe he found it gross and didn't dare take care of it... Hoping this doesn't become a habit.
  5. kigomin

    Olives bad for him?

    I wondered why my cat suddenly got so frantic. I kind of guessed he wanted an olive but it's good to know he is not the only one into that.
  6. kigomin

    Cat won't lose weight!

    Yes! I feed him the caned pate. He loves it.
  7. kigomin

    Cat won't lose weight!

    The dry food is for obese cat and from the vet. It's about 60 g, and the rest of about 20 g is fancy feast wet food. Anyway, I devide the whole in four separate portions throughout the day so my cat figure seems leaner though its weight hasn't changed.
  8. kigomin

    Cat won't lose weight!

    My vet says it needs to lose one kilogram. I feed him about 80 to 85 grams per day which is about one cup of food.
  9. kigomin

    My cat won't clean herself!

    I read somewhere that older cat that won't clean it's behind my suffer from arthritis.
  10. kigomin

    Cat won't lose weight!

    Hello, sounds like my worries are bigger. My one-week adopted-and-obese cat (14,9 pounds) only gets to eat 80 to 90 gr of food. I mix a portion of 5 pounds of wet food with 15 of dry, that is four times a day. I get to work from home so I can afford to manage its portions. But it just won't lose...
  11. Cat won't lose weight!

    Cat won't lose weight!

  12. image.jpeg

