Recent Content by Kelky

  1. K

    Cat Boogers

    I don't remember the results been awhile must of not been helpful. I went to 4 different vets and have been told to take to internal medicine DR. What is DMG?
  2. K

    Cat Boogers

    I've had buggers tested, my next option is to get a cat scan done or take him to see an internal medicine doctor, which I cannot afford either options. I have tried some lysine supplements but didn't notice any changes.
  3. K

    Cat Boogers

    I have a cat with a chronic respiratory issue. Been to many vets with many meds and nothing works. Did see something about nasal flush on here that am going to ask vet about. But my issue is the boogers he slings around when he sneezes. How do I remove burgers off the wall without ruining the...