Recent Content by keilanicolee

  1. K

    Calming A Skittish Cat?

    Hello! Thanks for the response. I got Boopy from a rescue organization in Orange County, CA. She was pretty shy as a kitten, but it seems she learned her skittish behavior later in life. I feel partially guilty for it; I got her when I was a senior in high school and since I've owned her I've...
  2. K

    Calming A Skittish Cat?

    I've had my cat, Boopy, for about 4 years now. She's always been quite skittish and shy, but after my boyfriend moved in (hes been living here for 4 months now and beforehand hes been around Boopy for about a year) she seems to have gotten even more skittish. For example, anysudden movements or...