Recent Content by katnapz

  1. catsball.jpg


  2. toy1.jpg


  3. bedfb3.jpg


  4. My Lovely Girls!

    My Lovely Girls!

    A little peek at my beautiful little cats!
  5. katnapz


    I'm definatley going to get a Feliway, thanks for the tip Rosiemac. We leave it open because I want the cats to come and go as they please, in all the years i've owned cats I've never locked them in or out unless it's fireworks night or something like that. It's really not big enough for...
  6. katnapz

    Hi from me, Freya and Fellulah

    Hi, I'm from Brighton in the UK and I live with my patient partner and our two cats Freya (Torty) and Fellulah (b&w). We've had them for a couple of years but we are both cat lovers and had many cats in our past. I personally adore cats and can't help but melt when I see a kitten or cute cat...
  7. katnapz


    Hi, I have two cats and had them both since they were kittens. They have always been very nervous of everything, including us, even after spending lots of time with them when they were babies. They flinch and jump when we move or rustle a bag. They don't let us stroke them unless they come to...