Recent Content by Katheryn

  1. K

    First time foster with tricky bottle baby, please help

    Thank you so much for your reply. He'll only use the one nipple and it's hole is quite large now. I could try the syringe with it, but I'm not sure it'll work as well. He had been doing pretty well on the bottle. Poops are daily now for the last 3 days, which is great. Most recent sample...
  2. K

    First time foster with tricky bottle baby, please help

    Hello All- I recieved an adorable little black baby kitten from the local municipal humane society to be bottle fed. I've had him about 3.5 weeks now and we estimate his age to be close to 5 weeks. He has molars at this point and weighs about 575 grams/ 1.25lbs. He has been VERY difficult to...