Recent Content by katandkitty

  1. katandkitty

    kitty not doing well, vets don’t know why

    hey everyone, hope you’re all doing well. let me start by saying i know this is way above this forums typical problems but i did go to the vet and after a $500 bill, i know nothing still so i just wanna see if anyone here has any ideas. and sorry for how long it is so essentially kitty got...
  2. katandkitty

    Cat had a bit of diarrhea - antibiotics or wet food? when to be concerned?

    I’ve heard mixed arguments, I’ve always given him a combination of both but he just happened to prefer dry food most of the time. he was actually not a cat with a big appetite but just recently he’s been much hungrier so he scarfed down his wet food with no complaints after his surgeries.
  3. katandkitty

    Cat had a bit of diarrhea - antibiotics or wet food? when to be concerned?

    I read pumpkin and plain greek yogurt might help, I definitely have yogurt but I’m not sure where to get pumpkin
  4. katandkitty

    Cat had a bit of diarrhea - antibiotics or wet food? when to be concerned?

    I figured it was after googling about it. I actually just dropped over 1k at the vet for everything he got done so I was hoping to not need new meds because I really don’t have the funds for it. Is it immediately a cause of concern or should I continue monitoring his stool and if it keeps being...
  5. katandkitty

    Cat had a bit of diarrhea - antibiotics or wet food? when to be concerned?

    hi again everyone! so my cat just got neutered as well as had some teeth extracted on Friday (he's around 6 years old). the vets have us on a wet food only diet for a week which is probably because of the teeth extractions I'm assuming. on top of that, he's prescribed the antibiotic clavamox for...
  6. katandkitty

    cat not peeing in shredded litter box?

    thanks everyone! he thankfully just peed and pooed a bit in the shredded paper box :) hopefully he keeps it up!
  7. katandkitty

    cat not peeing in shredded litter box?

    hi everyone! so i just got my cat neutered and my vet advised me to not use litter for now and use shredded paper instead. problem is, my cat refuses to pee in the box with the shredded paper. he instead has peed in a random cardboard box and a couch. any advice? thanks so much!