Recent Content by KatandChloe

  1. KatandChloe

    Chloecat pregnant and maybe(?) in Labour

    Ok great thank you! I’ve been feeding her extra feeds of kitten food for the past few weeks and 2 days ago started giving her kitten milk… would this do it or do you have any other ideas? Thanks
  2. KatandChloe

    Chloecat pregnant and maybe(?) in Labour

    Quick update: on Sunday afternoon UK (yesterday) she stopped nesting, stopped licking, stopped the excessive purring, had returned to eat all of her food rather than half of it. It’s anyone’s guess at this point but there have been no kittens yet. Had they not been seen on ultrasound by a vet...
  3. KatandChloe

    Chloecat pregnant and maybe(?) in Labour

    There’s been no pushing at all and no straining. Emergency vet is very unworried and said the stress of bringing her in would be more dangerous than waiting and seeing how things progress for the next 24/48 hours. There’s been no blood, she’s drinking the kitten milk I’ve been giving her. She’s...
  4. KatandChloe

    Chloecat pregnant and maybe(?) in Labour

    Hello, hope everyone is well! chloecat is still in what I assume is stage one Labour. There is deffo a kitten in the area I have circled which seems really really low, so I’m hoping today is the day. She is having contractions and she clearly isn’t comfortable but I do feel so bad for her as...
  5. KatandChloe

    Chloecat pregnant and maybe(?) in Labour

    Hello, Thank you for your reply!! No, I absolutely am not, she’s going to be spayed 6-8 weeks after kittening and this is agreed with the vets. It’s just been a set of circumstance where because she’s such a small cat meant they refused to spay her when on heat as everything was swollen. This...
  6. KatandChloe

    Chloecat pregnant and maybe(?) in Labour

    Ok, So I always intended to get my long haired house cat spayed. Everytime I took her, she came on heat and because she’s a small cat the vets wouldn’t do it until she came off heat. Then I fell pregnant and it was a dramatic one so everything fell by the wayside and I didn’t get it done. I...