Recent Content by Kashmala Akbar

  1. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    The foods smell is in the entire room. She eats and drinks by her own though. She has flu though.
  2. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    I know. The vets in my area aren't that good. I'll be taking her to another city next week.
  3. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    Yeah, I did. He said we should get her spayed before her first heat. Probably around 12 weeks. But, you see I live in a country where vets aren't as good as they are in America and other countries so I'm freaking out. He also said there's this type of injection that people use now adays...
  4. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    I've got a question. We have to brush our kitties teeth right?
  5. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    He said to keep her out of the AC rooms. He told me it wasn't much of a concern because she only sneezed occasionally. Although, he did say to bring her after a week's time. And that kittens do that when they newly arrive.
  6. K

    Kitten Food?

    Thank you! She's one heck of a playful kitten. ♥️
  7. K

    Kitten Food?

    Thank you♥️
  8. K

    Kitten Food?

    Here's a picture of her. Meet brandy:)
  9. K

    Kitten Food?

    No! Not cow milk!
  10. K

    Kitten Food?

    Yes she is :)
  11. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    She's okay. The vet said it wasn't anything that serious. She'll be okay in a week as long as I do what he told me to:)
  12. K

    Kitten Food?

    The vet confirmed that she's two months old. The guy I bought her from told me she was almost a month old. I'm feeding her royal canin. I give her milk in water, that's what the vet told me to do.
  13. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    On my way!!!!!
  14. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    She's active though
  15. K

    My Kitten Is Sick!

    Okay. Thank you