Recent Content by KaritaL

  1. KaritaL

    Assistance or Advice for loss of dominate feral cat.

    Small update, Pogo is still looking around every so often when I come outside, but has let me get a couple fingers on her for a few seconds, it's slow progress, but it is progress. Last night, I took out my indoor kitty, Slinky, who everyone in the colony loves, to see if Pogo might seek out her...
  2. KaritaL

    Assistance or Advice for loss of dominate feral cat.

    Sorry for the poor quality, this was taken a couple years ago. Pogo's the tortie - Stripes the lovely tabby. Thank you everyone for the advice and sympathy. I miss him greatly, he was such a lovely soul, always took care of his colony and his 'girls'. I will definitely take everyone's advice...
  3. KaritaL

    Assistance or Advice for loss of dominate feral cat.

    Hello and thank you for reading, I guess I just need a little help in knowing what steps to take next. A little backstory. I take care of a small colony of feral cats. They're all fixed, have indoor shelter, protected outside environment, heated beds, access to continued food, water, you name...