Recent Content by Kaira

  1. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    Nah. That's our cat. The other is a stray, feral or abandoned kitten. Still not quite sure which. I am not too sure, what their relationship is. Our cat has taken jabs at the kitten, even bitten it on the neck. Yet the kitten will still keep coming close to our cat to interact with her. The...
  2. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    Member of the fam finally got a few videos of the kitten. Not sure if videos work on this. So took the screenshots where you get to see the kitten on the video. But maybe, y'all could tell me what breed I'm looking at. Also, I don't really read cat body language. How does our cat look...
  3. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    The kitten comes in through the open glass door, that opens out onto our porch. What window would the kitten be able to get into?
  4. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    Kitten came inside house. About a metre in. Was chased out the door by our cat. But...once the kitten was outside. It was like our cat and the kitten seemed to be having a conversation. I don't speak cat. But it might have been: Cat: I don't mind sharing my garden with you. But my house? I...
  5. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    My dad reckons a trap isn't necessary. It's desperate enough to come near our home just to eat, and so he thinks patience is the better virtue. I beg to differ. But I'll have a talk with him about that. It's not that I don't think the patience way won't work. It will. But it might not work "in...
  6. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    So update, still haven't made much progress, due to all of us being too busy. But when nobody is around, it sneaks up on the porch to sneak a bit of food we give for our cat. The kitten is a midnight black with green eyes. When we do see it, most of the time it's at the middle of the night, as...
  7. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    Great idea! Thanks!
  8. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    Great idea thanks!
  9. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    Well...I've noticed the kitten is always approaching our female cat...and it bolts when I stand up to investigate whether our cat is meaning it harm or not. Also, I'm not sure if it's approaching our female cat. Or if it's approaching the food on the porch. I've found a perfect spot to leave...
  10. K

    Trying To Befriend A Feral Kitten

    I have a cat that we own. Also there is a feral kitten in our backyard that we don't own. It's still alive and kicking, for now. I want to be able to place some kitten friendly food in a hiding spot for the kitten. But a hiding spot that the adult cat can't get to, otherwise it will eat the...