Recent Content by kaaren sander

  1. K

    I am Getting Sick

    Don't take a cold medicine if it has an antihistamine in it! You'll be double dosing as Zyrtec is an antihistamine. If it is just a decongestant and a cough medicine you can take it together with the Zyrtec
  2. K


    vlinder, re: your concerns about your cat's reaction to baby's cries. Daughter has five cats and a very large dog. My husband retrived baby cries from the internet and made a tape that they play so that the animals will be used to baby cries in the house. Will let you know if it worked when baby...
  3. K

    What do you do in real life?

    I am a registered nurse working in a pediatric office doing telephone triage. Not crazy about it but, due to arthritis, unable to be on my feet very long so this is a nursing job I can do.
  4. K

    my kitties

    Hi misskitty and welcome. I am 3 months away from sixty and live with my husband, 11 cats and one dog in Leicester, NC-just outside Asheville. My cats range in age from one and one half years up to sixteen and one half years and I have torties, a calico, several grey tabbies and two yellow-one...
  5. K

    New Member Intro

    Wow, Australia! Welcome from North Carolina, USA. This is a great site and there are "cat people" from all over the world. Post often and tell us all about your cat.
  6. K

    Help. Husband wants to get rid of kitten

    Sandie, Where can I get one of those shirts! LOL
  7. K

    Help. Husband wants to get rid of kitten

    Maybe the cats sense your tension and frustration over the situation and that's why they are not getting along. I have rarely had a problem with new cats in the household and we have had as many as twenty at one time. Of course, our cats have always been indoor-outdoor so they can get away from...
  8. K

    Blackcats new home

    MePearl53, Thought I'd stay out of this but, then decided to put in my two cents worth. I realy do not approve of declawing cats but, if that works for you then I'm not going to criticize. I know many people don't approve of letting cats outside but, we have always had inside-outside cats and I...
  9. K

    Had to share this with everyone

    That's a riot! Didn't depress me at all-when you've been to your 40th you really don't care anymore.
  10. K


    vlinder, Congrats. My daughter likes the book " What to Expect When You're Expecting". She has really used it as her "Bible" during this pregnancy. I don't know who the author is but, if you can't find it, e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll find out from her. I feel so lucky...
  11. K


    Welcome Billie, There are lots of people on this site from Europe and we manage to catch up all the time. It's one of the things that I love-the international connections! I'm a firm believer that if people realize we are all basically the same in our likes and feelings there will be less...
  12. K

    I need your honest opinion

    Anne, I was actually thinking about this the other night. I would certainly rather pay a membership fee than see this site disappear. I've paid a fee to be able to play solitaire and I certainly get more pleasure from this site than I do playing games.
  13. K

    I did it again....

    Yeah, Anne. I'm so glad for Dovik and thankful to you (and your family) for holding on to him until a good home could be found
  14. K

    Is anyone an RN?

    vlinder,I am an RN,too but work in pediatrics. Since I read your other post I know the answer to your question and say congratulations Hope everything goes really well for you. It took my daughter over a year to get pregnant but, she had been on the pill for many years. Our first grandbaby is...
  15. K

    I did it again....

    Teri, If you could get e-mail addresses I'm sure everyone would love to let these "animal rights" groups know what we think of them. I would be ready to do bodily harm to some one if this happened to my dog!!!!