Recent Content by jsnap1

  1. J

    Bark like scab..can anyone help identify the issue?

    UPDATE: Yesterday Molly was supposed to go to the vet…. So naturally she hid (so well in fact that I missed her appt) luckily they got her in first thing this morning. We all agreed her wound looks worse. Her vet thinks she has Eosinophilic Dermatosis…. but because the normal treatment for that...
  2. J

    Bark like scab..can anyone help identify the issue?

    While yes I have taken her to the vet a few times, they have done what they think may help and then I have to wait and see if it does. She goes again tomorrow, I will be asking about a skin scraping in order to identify what it may or may not be. At first it really just looked like a small...
  3. J

    Bark like scab..can anyone help identify the issue?

    I’ve been dealing with this now growing issue with my cats neck. I will post pictures below. It started out appearing like maybe a small abrasion. I took her to the vet after I noticed it was looking worse a few days later. Our cats are indoor outdoor cats. Sometimes they get little cuts from...