Recent Content by jonnyss

  1. J

    Calico Snowshoe

    thanks, laurie. you've inspire me to read more articles on cat genetics.
  2. J

    Calico Snowshoe

    hmmm...i don't see a way to edit my post, so i will use a second post to add to it: as i understand the rules of naming hybrids in biology, if you remake a cross, you get a hybrid with the original hybrid name, not a hybrid "lookalike." in fact, if you assign a new name, it is disallowed; you...
  3. J

    Calico Snowshoe

    they say, if it walks like and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. i say, if it jumps like a snowshoe and meows like a snowshoe, it's a snowshoe. those of you who state so forcefully what a snowshoe is and is not seem to me entitled to your opinions, but i doubt that you can decree that the...