Recent Content by joefredkat

  1. J

    Friendly Feral problem

    I'd take him to the vet. Not eating is a bad sign. Does it feel like he might have a fever?
  2. J

    I think my kitten has reached her teenage stage

    My cat was the same, out of control demon kitty. He calmed down after about a year (he's 3 now).
  3. J

    Do you let your cat sleep in your bed with you at night?

    Of course he does. He sleeps curled up around my head or on my chest, under my chin (depending on how I'm laying). When I roll over, he adjusts his position accordingly. I dunno about the health thing, he hasn't killed me yet! (He's been in the bed since he was born, 4 years ago)
  4. J

    Your cat is a killer

    Perhaps, or may be a Pampas Cat :-)
  5. J

    Your cat is a killer

    Cats are perfect. If the asteroid hits again, they will survive. They are endlessly adaptive. They domesticated us when they realized humans would become the dominant species, and somehow became gods and objects of worship. Not the lions or leopards, but the kitties. But they don't NEED humans...
  6. J

    Your cat is a killer

    Lol :-)
  7. J

    Your cat is a killer

    He/she is a hyper carnivore (eats 90 % meat) what do you feed them? Kitties are lions, small ones, but lions nonetheless. Living in your living room. They are killers, but adorable killers, who lay in your lap and love you. A wonderful manipulative species. I love my kittie. But don't ever...
  8. J

    How much canned food per cat per day?

    I know I know. I know you are right. It's gonna cost money I just don't have 150 bucks is money to me. And he wasn't out in the storm looking to get laid, he just got scared and ran.
  9. J

    pre packaged raw diets

    I'm not sure I understand how to do this so please don't misunderstand or get mad. I had to feed my kidden with an eye dropper, then he got old enough, wouldn't touch raw meat, but ate off my plate when he was about 6 months old, now loves chicken but won't touch beef. Guess I taught him? I dunno.
  10. J

    How much canned food per cat per day?

    I want to apologize for my post but I was REALLY scared. That was my kitty. And I knew he was scared too :-( he comes when I call. He knows how to work doors. I can't let him have a cat door cause I'm gone 12-24 hours a day! When I'm home for a day he comes and goes in like an hour. I'm sorry...
  11. J

    How much canned food per cat per day?

    We are having a tropical storm here. Kat is out in it. Stupid bast(((( needs to come home. I told him it was gonna rain.,.
  12. J

    How much canned food per cat per day?

    Your an optimistic type I see. Yeah I know your right. I just don't like it.
  13. J

    How much canned food per cat per day?

    I also cook my cat a whole chicken about once every two months, and we share that. Kat likes real chicken :-)
  14. J

    How much canned food per cat per day?

    I havnt read everything yet, but thank you. Gods thank you. I don't know anything but thanks. I'm 55 and (other than on a farm) never "owned" a pet. Translate "been responsible for". Thanks for the help :-)
  15. J

    How much canned food per cat per day?

    Close to zero chance on worms. No symptoms and vet agrees. 5 I guess. Friskies, with some newmans thrown in. Katt is strong and appears healthy. Been his friend since before his eyes were open. Had to use an eye dropper. Cats have been going outside (he got his shots) for thousands of years. I...