Recent Content by jhvance

  1. jhvance

    Do Male Cats Kill Kittens?

    I should have followed up on this awhile ago, but other matters have intervened.  There are still three kittens who are alive, apparently doing well and becoming more curious and independent as they grow -- the full tabby (small like the mother, apparently female and who looks remarkably like...
  2. jhvance

    Do Male Cats Kill Kittens?

    There are certainly hawks consistently around this locale (a few bald eagles during winter as well), and coyotes but no foxes anymore (at least not since I was a kid, and I'm now into my early 60s).  It's entirely possible that one or more of the kittens are still alive, but have just grown to...
  3. jhvance

    Do Male Cats Kill Kittens?

    Do male cats who were neutered as kittens also exhibit this sort of behavior, or is it just the non-neutered males? As explanation, I live in a rural area of Central Texas and a couple of years ago had a longtime female barn cat (a stray who had been spayed, that was an excellent mouser and...