Recent Content by JarppiLupinePeanutTruffle

  1. JarppiLupinePeanutTruffle

    Anyone got any cat tattoos?

    I'm thinking of getting a tattoo to symbolize my love of cats and try to incorporate my current 4 cats into it. Has anyone got any kitty tattoo's to share?
  2. JarppiLupinePeanutTruffle

    What Are Your Cats Doing Right Now?

    Jarppi is asleep in his usual spot, on my hip (I'm lay on my side in bed). Truffle is snuggled into my husband's armpit asleep and laying on his back (both of them are haha), Peanut is curled up on the bottom of the bed and Lupine is sat underneath the bed hoarding toys.
  3. JarppiLupinePeanutTruffle

    Do your cats have favorite toys?

    All 4 of mine have very different taste. Lupine likes stick toys with feathers on the ends, he likes to 'catch' them, carry them around and everyone sure needs to know what a good job he has done. He will show every cat and human in the house his 'catch' whilst yelling at the top of his voice...