
I am the mother to one 14 yr old son. All of my life I thought I was not an in home animal person. Boy was I wrong. Recently my love, Val, whom I've been with for the past 7 1/2 yrs just out of the blue tells me, " bae, I think I want to get a cat, actually I want 2 of them. Start looking." Lol!! And after he does a great job listing all the positive and exciting reasons that we should become the new parents of 2 newborn kittens, I immediately got on Facebook and we now have 2 gorgeous, playful and just so amazing me-news. We have 2 females, they are sisters. One is pure white with 1 blue eye and one green eye. I still haven't found beautiful enough name for her, so for the past 6 months "Me-New" has been the name she answers to. We also have her sister, who has more of a tiger look to her. Her name Unfortunately is "Ralphie". 🤣🤣 How that name came about is actually a funny story. When we first got the kittens, they were supposedly 6 weeks old (we both agreed once in our care they couldn't be much older than 4 weeks old) that we had gotten a Male and a female. Up until very recently we were informed by a more experienced cat person that we have been wrong about the sex of one of our lil me-news and it just had to be the one my ole man had already claimed as "his" and we both agreed that since we've been addressing "Her" as Ralphie since her beautiful life started about 6 months ago, Me-New and Ralphie is what we have. We couldn't have picked out 2 better kittens if we tried. They are so beautiful, so smart and just 2 of the best me-news ever. We love them both very much, they have brought us so much happiness watching them play and grow and play these past 6 months. Never would I have thought I would be so happy about sharing my home with 1, much less 2 kittens, but I am and they both are now like my children. I am so happy my ole man made that request and I'm sure they are just as happy sharing our home with us and I just absolutely love them to death.
Sep 11, 1984 (Age: 39)
Abbeville, LA
Interests (Hobbies, favorite activities, etc.)
Being a mom. Gardening, crafting, and playing with my 2 beautiful, sweet, and just so loveable kittens. 🌺🧶🐈