Recent Content by ilovecrazycat

  1. I

    Male Manx Calico

    I love that for a name for him. If I do get him, than that will be his name :)
  2. I

    Male Manx Calico

    Well, I can see paying 200 dollars for his novelty. He is a novelty to me, nothing more and nothing less. By what i've seen in his personality, he's very laid back and sweet. His sisters are crazier than he is. But of course what kittens aren't spastic and all over the place? Either way, people...
  3. I

    Male Manx Calico

    I really do like this kitten as far as the way he looks. I have a kitten already which I had gotten from a family member. You could tell him and his brother were males as soon as they were born. But, maybe I and my kin have a knack for seeing males. Either way, I will be contacting them and...
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    Male Manx Calico

    I have been following him very closely as there was a hunch from the beginning about his genetics. After a few weeks of birth, you could distinctly see the testicles, but they are very small. I know he is calico because of the multiple colors (not including the white). I believe that 800 dollars...
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    Male Manx Calico

    When I first saw him, he had a very small black dot above one of his eyes. The color has now spread to cover half of his face. The owner was telling me that for the first couple of weeks, they were convinced he was actually a girl, because of the lack of testicles.
  6. I

    cream colour kitty

    Female Orange tabbys are hard to find, but not rare by any means. It is awesome that you have a creamy orange and blue eyed cat though, they are very beautiful.
  7. I

    Male Manx Calico

    I have found a local oddity that I am very interested in. He is about 7 weeks old and is half manx. He is orange and white with black in his fur. He is a male calico. They are asking for a ridiculous price, but I would really like to have this cat. What I need to know is what is a fair price to...