Recent Content by hendrix

  1. hendrix

    In a bind and kitten is relieving himself outside the litter box

    Thank you so much for your help. Seems like everything is back to normal with my normal schedule. I guess they are just mamas boys and were in protest. Or both needed to go at the same time and couldn't wait since I have only needed one box. As I mentioned I have never had elimination issues...
  2. hendrix

    In a bind and kitten is relieving himself outside the litter box

    Help! I am taking the bar exam and on lunch break! I have two male kittens who love each other ages 5 months and 3 months. I have never had a litter box issue until yesterday when I found kitten feces in the bathroom (where box is located). Today there is urine all over the towel in the...
  3. hendrix

    Weird household objects as toys

    A sponge! Not sure if it was because it smells like food or is actually fun to play with.
  4. hendrix

    Thinking of a second cat, cannot do slow introduction. What are my options?

    Fletcher has definitely had a lot of alone time with you me has developed his territory, i.e., you and your apartment. Hendrix was neutered around 2 months old. Which I recommend doing before bringing a newbie in, or shortly after. Definitely once the new kitten isn't under the effects of...
  5. hendrix

    Thinking of a second cat, cannot do slow introduction. What are my options?

    I just did this for kittens around the same age about 2 weeks ago. Same type of setup. Luckily we introduced our new addition over the Fourth of July weekend. In total it took 3 days. Because this kitten is really to be a companion I would really make sure to get a temperament or personality...
  6. hendrix

    Is my kitten OCD?

    Thank you all. Both my boys are rescues, so whether their burying behavior is due needing to stay hidden as Motocurl has suggested, and/or just part of the burying instinct, I find it entertaining....and probably more clean than if they didn't. :D
  7. hendrix

    Is my kitten OCD?

    This might sound like a strange "complaint" but my new kitten has a really odd habit at the litter box. My little Burton uses the litter box just fine.....but before he exists, he insists on a ritual of wiping his paws against the side for 30 seconds or more. I have noticed my slightly older...
  8. hendrix

    New kitten restores peace for household objects; disturbs the peace and quiet, but for the better :)

    Thank you all so much! They certainly are a joy!  
  9. hendrix

    New and First Time Kitty Owner..

    Congrats! I'm not sure if this will be helpful as when I adopted my kittens they 10 weeks. To get my little guys to enjoy my company and make positive associations with my lap I used grain free wet food (and discovered they prefer fish above all else) and gave them very small amounts at a time...
  10. hendrix

    New kitten restores peace for household objects; disturbs the peace and quiet, but for the better :)

    I posted here a few weeks ago that my little, now 5 month old, was just lounging around when I was home. But when I left he couldn't help but do car things behind my back like jumping on the counters, knocking down plants, and rolling up carpets. Here are his updates and behavior changes: 1...
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  14. hendrix

    New Kitten Playmate

    Great! Thanks :) I have been looking all over the internet for kittens who need a loving permanent home. I'm sure Hendrix will be excited when he meets his new playmate (when we find the perfect one). All smiles today