Recent Content by help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

  1. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    No, theres always tons left when we get back. He's not one of those who eats everything you put in his bowl all at once. He just eats small bits at a time.
  2. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    Yes, we usually way overdo it and leave him enough for probably 3 weeks. :)
  3. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    I'm not opposed to that route 100%, but my concerns are that currently we can leave him home for over a week at a time, and he's just fine. Thats why we dont have a dog because we're away enough that it would be a big nuisance and expense to deal with the times when we're away. I was researching...
  4. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    So I've been looking at Feliway and am considering getting a diffuser for our house. What is everyones thoughts on that? It seems like if anything it might only help when he is inside. I'd say the attacks happen about 50% inside and 50% outside. So I'm not sure this is really going to accomplish...
  5. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    Honestly he spends most of the day outside wandering around, chasing things, etc, and does come in a few times to eat or get a nap, and always at dinner time hoping for a snack. (he has his own door). I know that everything tells you to play with him more, but in the last year or two a lot of...
  6. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    I kind of thought it could be something like that too (PTSD), except for the times it seems pre-meditated when he runs from far away to get us. But maybe he still has a bad association to legs. maggiedemi, He is up to date on shots. We put Revolution on him for fleas/ticks. We havnt given him...
  7. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    His last checkup was maybe 4-5 months ago. We've given him a few different types of cat food from Wal-Mart. But keep in mind he's done this since before he was even officially our cat, so several years. His diet also includes mice, baby rabbits, squirrels, birds, lizards, and insects. :)
  8. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    A couple of the times he's attacked us has been when we've not even seen him for a few days. Like we'll come home from being gone for 3-4 days, pet him when he greets us, and he's perfectly happy, purring, rubbing our legs. We know when he's done with the affection, because he'll just walk away...
  9. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    You could be onto something, but i guess if that were the case I'd almost expect other weird behavior to go along with it. Like maybe sometimes he would lash out at our legs, but others he would just act crazy for a moment while he had the pain. When we get attacked, he looks perfectly normal...
  10. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    I wouldnt call him feral. Not sure who his parents were. But he follows us wherever we go. Walk around the neighborhood...he follows us. To the garden, he's there with us. He loves being around people. He does bite when he's over stimulated, but its just a small warning bite, not the crazy full...
  11. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    It's definitely both cases. Some are after walking away from petting him when he was wanting the attention, others are completely out of the blue.
  12. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    I can't actually think of a time when he has done this vicious attack when we're playing with him or petting him, other than a few times it has been after he comes up to greet me when i come home, so I pet him a good deal and then walk away, then he pounces on me before I get 5 feet away. Like i...
  13. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    talkingpeanut, I would give him up before I went the declawed/defanged route. I was sorta joking (and 5% not) when i said that, just to see what people said. Anti-anxiety medication is an interesting idea and might be worth looking into. I had forgotten about those sprays that Animal Freak...
  14. help_me_and_my_crazy_cat

    Cat Will Not Stop Attacking

    We have an adult cat that we are on the verge of taking to the shelter or offering free on craigslist (or maybe pay someone to take!). I am on here seeking some last resort advice. I'll try to keep the long story short, I could go on forever. Our neighbors had him as a kitten and abused him...