Recent Content by heatherfeather9360

  1. H

    Adult cat attacking her littermate

    Hi everyone! I have two 6-yr-old females who were littermates, Kitten and Sister. Kitten has always beat up Sister occasionally. The vet suggested that Kitten is just playing, but the attacks seem viscous and Sister always runs and hides when this occurs, telling me she is not having any fun...
  2. H

    Heavy Object Fell On Kitty's Paw Yesterday, Now It Is Very Swollen

    Thank you to the person who sent me the link for grants and low cost clinics. I've put in some applications and am waiting to hear, although I don't think I qualify because he hasn't been seen and given a diagnosis (or he didn't qualify for a particular charity). But it does not hurt to try. I...
  3. H

    Heavy Object Fell On Kitty's Paw Yesterday, Now It Is Very Swollen

    One of the stray kitties I have been feeding for a couple years had a heavy object fall on his paw yesterday early morning. (A thick drinking glass fell off the shelf above my bed, where we were both laying.) Since I saw him last night, the paw is now double in size and looks quite painful...