Recent Content by heatherdyonne

  1. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    I brought him home from the vet tonight. He's definitely miserable. He's camped out in a quiet hallway, doesn't want to be touched or anything. I had to lock Nermal in the bedroom again, because she was pestering him really bad and he kept trying to get away from her but she just kept following...
  2. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    Here's an updated picture of Nermal!
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  4. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    It is scary! He does groom himself quite a bit, even though I brush him daily. I might have to increase his brushing to twice a day... I'm just glad it wasn't anything serious like cancer. Shudder... when we lived with my mom and she got a kitten, after hewbie warmed up to her they played and...
  5. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    Haha Alicia! I do tend to get my way quite a bit. That's how we ended up keeping Nermal. Although, I think he knew I wasn't going to give him a choice in the matter after all the time I spent trying to catch her. We're in an apartment now, and hopefully house hunting soon. But I know our next...
  6. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    We got news on Hewbie today. They had to sedate him to do X-rays, and they found a huge mass in his stomach. They gave him some barium to see if it was blocking anything, and there's a little room for things to pass through, but not much. When they pulled the tube out they said it was covered in...
  7. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    Haha! I probably wouldn't be stressed, but my boyfriend already said if I came home with another cat, he'd kill me lol. I got a call back from the vet, we're still trying to figure out what's wrong. We are going to try some different food first to see if that helps tonight. If not then I'm...
  8. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    It's been a few weeks now, since we've had Nermal with us, and it's been quite an eventful few that's for sure. Nermal is adapting extremely well. So, no worries on that front. Hewbie however, is not doing well at all. I'm not entirely sure what is wrong. Whether it's stress or something else...
  9. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    I noticed that they were really spendy! Maybe I will just stick with the spray. I'm sure he is wondering that, Haha. They're getting a little better. I actually saw them sitting next to one another this afternoon. And then he realized she was next to him and he got mad and hissed then walked...
  10. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    Haha, yes! So far so good. Yeah, the vet I work at has the diffusers in the cat room as well as the spray. I figured I'd start with the spray first and see if it works and then I might invest in the diffusers. Hewbie is making progress with Nermal. He will walk up to her and sniff her, and then...
  11. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    @Alicia88 that's so sad! It's hard to say, and even harder to think of the possibilities. People can be so cruel. And it's heart breaking that there aren't harsher punishments for cruelty to animals. @primula yes! If only he would! Haha. Thank goodness Nermal is female. Now I'm not the only...
  12. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to give another update on our Nermal and Hewbie chronicles. Nermal is doing fantastic! She's been exploring the house and using her litterbox consistently now that I know she likes extra litter. Her and my son are getting along great! She will come up to him when he's...
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  14. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    Thank you for the tips. She's been using the litterbox consistently now that I discovered she likes A LOT of litter. Even more than Hewbie does. She was in our bedroom the first night we brought her home, but Hewbie wouldn't move away from the bedroom door. He would sit there for hours and just...
  15. heatherdyonne

    Please help! 6 month old feral kitten

    Nermal has now been with us at home for two days. She has made wonderful progress. She is so sweet and loving and really enjoys being petted (she can't get enough of it!) and playing with her toys. She wants so desperately to explore the house, but she's still having consistency issues with...