Recent Content by HCS

  1. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Kittiefoster, thank you so much for your support. This has been one emotional roller coaster for me. It's difficult not being able to check on the kitten's through the night to make sure they are OK and don't need help. But I just have to remind myself that mama cat has this, and they have a...
  2. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Thank you so much the both of you! Sarthur2 and kittiefoster, you're both amazing and your tips and support have helped me so much! I currently live in an old, drafty house and was having a difficult time keeping my other kitties away from mama (they kept escaping the room that they were...
  3. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Mama cat must have gotten annoyed at me checking in on her and trying to weigh her 9 kittens, because she is moving them to beneath a night stand that has a small opening due to another piece of furniture blocking off part of the opening, so I cannot access her kittens now to check in on their...
  4. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Thank you so much. You have been such a help to me and I appreciate it! I will apply these tips and be sure to put the smaller ones to nipples when the larger are sleeping and then supplement when needed. I actually got the runt to suckle on the dropper and he drank about 1.5 ml before stopping...
  5. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Should I feed all of the kittens the milk formula while they are also feeding from mama? Or will the constant switch between the formula and mother's milk cause potential digestive issues?
  6. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Oh my gosh, it's a miracle! I am in tears. I went to put honey on the kitten's gums and I saw it fighting for a nipple for the first time since it got sick,, so I found an unused nipple and put it next to it and the kitten latched on! The last time I tried showing it a nipple, its head would...
  7. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    The kitten with diarrhea isn't nursing yet, but the others seem to be taking turns between resting and nursing. I am surprised she had such a large litter!
  8. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Thank you. I will do that now. Idolized salt or normal salt?
  9. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    I had given mama cat some of the formula, sometimes she will drink it, other times not. I was able to weigh a few of the kittens. It's an old scale with old batteries, so I hope it's accurqte. The runt is 2.5 ounces, and have been nursing. The one with diarrhea is 3.6 ounces. The other two I...
  10. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Thank you. I was concerned of it going rancid or breeding bacteria. I have an old fashioned furnace and the kitchen got pretty hot
  11. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Thank you for your help. I am using PetAg KMR supplement. I don't have any pedialite on hand :( I live in a small city and all the stores close early.
  12. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    I also accidentally left my opened powdered formula on the counter in a very warm area for 1-2 hours before I realized. I was nervous to use it since. Do you think it's still safe to use? I had just bought it earlier that day
  13. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    Is raw honey ok/safe? It's all I have
  14. H

    Help! Day old kitten with diarrhea and not nursing

    My neighbor neglected his cat and she was underweight. I have fattened her back up and had planned to have her spayed (vets booked up for months due to COVID restrictions), however she escaped the house and mingled with a male. She gave birth late at night on friday, 02/25/22. I have been so...