Recent Content by hazx

  1. H

    What Breed Is It?

    Doesnt the classic tabby comes with more blsck color , or because he is small s
  2. H

    What Breed Is It?

    Interesting informations :)
  3. H

    Diarrhea And Vomit

    I will take him to new vet
  4. H

    What Breed Is It?

    Age is 2 months
  5. H

    Diarrhea And Vomit

    The pet shop said bring him at age of 60 for Vaccination but he refused to give him becaus of the vomit and diarrhea , i didnt mean cold as sickness i meant like putting him in cold temperature room while sleeping does it affect him? Does kitten gets diarrhea from stress of being scared?
  6. H

    Diarrhea And Vomit

    Hello people I adopted a 55 days kitten male The first day i brought him he refused to eat any of dry food the shop gave us , i throw him som boiled chicken breasts he ate it happily , somehow when he popped that day it was diariyah ( mewoing while pooping ) he made him self dirty we had to...
  7. H

    What Breed Is It?

    hello , i adopted new kitten from catshop since my old one ranaway :( The shop owner says its persian american Im not quite sure but he looks cute He was scared here when i first brought him home
  8. H

    What breed is this cat

    Thank you for the help
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  10. What breed is this cat

    What breed is this cat

  11. H

    What breed is this cat

    Hello I found this cat at my door meowing I want to know what breed is it And is it good for apartment
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