Recent Content by Hamesan

  1. Hamesan

    Turkish Van?

    Are the legs short but strong? I can't really see from the pictures.Vans have unique legs as they need them for swimming. Also does he like water?
  2. Hamesan

    Help! Rubber Band Embedded In Cats Leg Paw

    Kitty after the Vet experience
  3. Hamesan

    Help! Rubber Band Embedded In Cats Leg Paw

    Update:Hey everyone thanks for all the help. Y'all really helped but I was so worried about the cat that I wasn't in the mindset to reply properly. Basically i did clip the rubber band but parts of it were still embedded in the wound. I took her to the vet and there they did their thing and...
  4. Hamesan

    Help! Rubber Band Embedded In Cats Leg Paw

    This is the wound over the rubber band.
  5. Hamesan

    Help! Rubber Band Embedded In Cats Leg Paw

    Recently my cat ran away through an open window and was gone for a week! When she came back i noticed that she was limping and her left leg was swollen. It was bleeding too. On further inspection i noticed a rubber band. Some sadist must have tied it around her leg.Thing is that it seems to be...
  6. Hamesan

    Cat Happier Indoors Or Outdoors?

    My cat usually hangs out in my backyard every one week or so.Whenever she goes out she stalks inanimate objects and smells everything and is quite active.Whenever she's inside doe she just sleeps all day and eats.When she's awake she'll just walk around slowly and sit on my lap or something but...
  7. Hamesan

    Turkish Van Cat Found?

    An adult cat recently wandered into my humble abode through the window! My first though was that she was the most beautiful and gentle cat I've seen.The cat was surprisingly not nervous when she saw me and started meowing. I gave her milk and she proceeds to sleep on my bed lol. I loveee cats...
  8. Hamesan

    Black Hard Stuff On Nose

    So my cat has this black thing on her nose that just appeared. It's black hard coming out of the skin and impossible to remove. I thought it was dirt and tried to remove it but it just made ot worse. Can someone help me identify what it is or if i can apply something?