Recent Content by Gymnast89

  1. G

    Are these Kidney labs in the normal range worrysome?

    The urine test was normal
  2. G

    Are these Kidney labs in the normal range worrysome?

    I I had gone there (right after their opening) as a favor to her since she had to recruit people to come for free viists post-opening. I only did it as a favor though (and she was fine with that). This Vet still emailed me a few times about setting it up though. Hope that clarifies. And yes...
  3. G

    Are these Kidney labs in the normal range worrysome?

    In June, my 5yr old cat had labwork done at a wellness visit. Her BUN was slightly high (39; normal range 16-37). The CREA was normal (2.2; normal range 0.9-2.3). The SDMA was 12 (normal 0-14). Her regular Vet wasn’t worried and said to recheck her labs in a month or two. Another Vet (where my...