Recent Content by gustave21

  1. G


    Yes he is but knowing the ppl in my area of Wisconsin that doesn't help much. 
  2. G


    Little Gustave hasn't liked his collar since I've first put it on him and keeps taking it off every time I put it on him. I want to be safe and keep it on him in case he gets out and lost but it's kinda hard with him. If someone could help me with this prob I would be very grateful.
  3. G

    Strange Hums and groans heard around the world

    Well the noise them two or three men heard in Colorado was just guns going off in the mountains. I used to shoot guns and know what it sounds like. :)
  4. G

    Pretty New Car

    I'm pretty lucky myself in the car department. I get a brand new corvette in about four years. can't wait for it!!
  5. G

    Makes me shiver but does anyone believe the 2012 theory that the World will end?

    My friend made a joke that the only reason that the Mayan calendar says that is because they ran out of paper. LOL. :)
  6. G

    Why does little Gustave attack my feet??

    Thanks. I'll have to do that. I hope it works.
  7. G

    Why does little Gustave attack my feet??

    This has been a problem since I've gotten him and it's annoying and hurts. How do I stop it?