Recent Content by GrayCat999

  1. GrayCat999

    I need advice

    I saw my vet today. He says it is most likely anxiety based on the specific location focus. For right now he has me giving Emmi Tranquility Blend for cats and a Feliway plug in, it's like a Glade plug in. It's the first day so we'll see how it goes. My vet also said that keeping her on a...
  2. GrayCat999

    I need advice

    I changed the litter to a different type, but same brand for now. I got it for free and the packaging was completely unopened. She's had the new litter since Tuesday (March 1st), but no changes. Unless more dust counts, this new stuff is getting everywhere for '99% dust free.' 🙃 I will be...
  3. GrayCat999

    I need advice

    I swear I didn't come posting without doing my own researching. I used Google so desperately I was using the quotes and all those other Google 'rules' they teach you to make sure the articles I found included specific words. I googled that exact statement as that resource you linked and got...
  4. GrayCat999

    I need advice

    No. She's been on the same food and litter since I adopted her. The only time she wasn't was the adjustment period using some of the old stuff and new stuff when I first adopted her. I thought maybe her food, Blue Buffalo dry food (for kittens then the same but for adults) and Sheba for wet food...
  5. GrayCat999

    I need advice

    I forgot to add that all her bowls are stainless steel, even before the cat acne started. I would clean them once a week or when they seemed dirty. I clean them a lot more now! Emmi hadn't had cat acne before having to wear the cone. My theory was the cone, that is plastic, helped trap junk on...
  6. GrayCat999

    I need advice

    Thank you so much for your reply. I started with the chicken to just start with any protein and monitor how it goes. Plus, it's one of the easiest to find. I thought taking a largest to smallest approach for the food would be a good place to start. I feel relieved that someone agrees with me...
  7. GrayCat999

    I need advice

    Hi everyone, Some basic background to start, my cat Emmi is a year and seven months old. I adopted her when she was six months old and she is an only pet. She's a totally indoor cat, we live on the third floor of an apartment complex. She's had all her shots, is fixed and is up to date on...