Recent Content by graciethedragon

  1. G

    Crating a cat, cruel or kind?

    So now that we have been using the box in the crate consistently, I let her out for meal time.  She and the dog eat side by side.  She usually  pees half way through a meal.  When she walks away half way through her meal and I follow her.  She goes near the crate where her box is.. than walks...
  2. G

    I think my boyfriend abused my cat while I was away. Need opinions

    For a cat to have pooped 3 times, I'd guess he wasn't checked on as frequently as this boy said he did.  My cat only poops once a day.  Too many flags here.  Glad the boy is gone.  Lesson learned.  Just the fact that you would even think him capable of the act is enough for him to need to hit...
  3. G

    A friend's cat in danger of being "given away" - help!

    Sounds as if it is all up to your friend perhaps you could wait around the corner while he collects the cat.  If he wanted to he would make sure Barbara got the vet care she needs.   She may be in pain and this is why she is so aggressive.  It sounds as if he needed to leave the house due to...
  4. G

    Success! Stopped kitty from messing on bathroom floor.

    So nice to hear a success story !  Excellent 
  5. G

    my boy kitten is neutered, is this normal.....  There are some pics here.  Is he uncomfortable?  peeing ?  Might be vet worthy.  I have not had a male cat.  Maybe e-mail a pic to the vet?
  6. G

    Crating a cat, cruel or kind?

    MoochNNoodles ---That link you sent mentioned a used tea bag and OBLAS oil.... might be a good thing to put on the rug when I let her out!  I will keep reading and trying.  Right now I am up stressed and she is curled up sleeping peacefully in her crate.    I think she enjoys tormenting me!
  7. G

    Crating a cat, cruel or kind?

     I can't because I have a dog, I guess I could leave one out when I am there to supervise.  She uses the box when there is no other choice, like the bathroom or crate.  Would the extra litter boxes where she has peed be permanent?  I think she would pee next to it.  I think she likes the soft...
  8. G

    At wit's end

    OMG after reading this I feel for you.  Why do so many cats have this issue.  We had many cats growing up... none of these problems.   We always had sibling pairs,  They would never even let you see them pee. let alone pee on the carpet.  I have my Gracie crated for peeing repeatedly and fear...
  9. G

    Peeing on the carpet....WHY??!?!?!

    Sounds like my girl.  Poops in the box, prefers to pee on my rug.  I like the Get Serious brand for clean up, after all the other cleaners still seemed to leave a scent, This smelled as it was drying, but now passes the nose to the rug test ! I will follow you to see if you solve this problem...
  10. G

    Crating a cat, cruel or kind?

    So after 2 days of total confinement... meals everything in the crate.  She peed in the box twice.   Its the weekend now so I have time to cat watch.  This evening I let her out to eat dinner, crated her, then she used the box so I let her out to roam... (not sure if she peed or pooped as its a...
  11. G

    Crating a cat, cruel or kind?

    I bought her a Sentry calming collar for good measure.  Also the vet put her on Cosequin a joint supplement because he says it promotes Kidney Health.  Anyone ever tried?
  12. Crating a cat, cruel or kind?

    Crating a cat, cruel or kind?

  13. G

    Crating a cat, cruel or kind?

    My cat Gracie  peed on my rug in 4 spots :-( She has had this problem 5 other times.   The last time she did this I confined her to the dog crate with her litter box.  When she went to pee she stood to pee and it was like a flood!  placing a paper towel quickly over the spot showed traces of...
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