Recent Content by Goofball Ivy

  1. Goofball Ivy

    New Kitten With Older Cat

    Hey guys! Just thought I'd stop by and see about getting a second opinion as I'm considering letting my new kitten and older cat hang out together tomorrow while I'm at work. Older Cat I got Tiger yesterday morning and have had him hanging out in the cabin freely with me and my almost 2 year...
  2. Goofball Ivy

    Ivy And Little Tiger

    So, as of an hour ago, my family has a new addition! Tiger has reached the 6 week old age so he's now come to live with me and Ivy. Of course Ivy's first reaction is to hiss at this little guy. Tiger isn't fazed by it though and wants to just run over to her lol. Honestly, he's named Tiger for a...
  3. Goofball Ivy

    Ivy And Little Tiger

    Went to go visit my grandma and little Tiger today. It was pretty cute when I went to the kittens since as I walked over, I called out to Tiger. As soon as he heard my voice, he perked up and started walking over to me. The other two couldnt care less, but he seemed pretty happy to see me and...
  4. Goofball Ivy

    Ivy And Little Tiger

    Now that things have settled down, I figured it was time to properly introduce myself and my cats. First of all, I want to thank all of you for your kindness and help when my family was in need of advice. It was greatly appreciated and has helped. (And in case any of you are still wondering...
  5. Goofball Ivy

    Urgent! 2 Week Old Kittens

    So I did manage to get some cat milk and fed that to the kittens, but mother cat was also found and after a bit of work, we managed to catch her and bring her inside. She's with the kittens now and they're doing well.
  6. Goofball Ivy

    Urgent! 2 Week Old Kittens

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions! Between everything you guys have said, we should be able to mix something up this morning to feed the kitties until we are able to get to the vet to buy some kitten formula our town is so small we don't have a pet store xP I'll keep you guys updated as...
  7. Goofball Ivy

    Urgent! 2 Week Old Kittens

    Something very unexpected has happened. My grandma's cat managed to somehow get out of the house sometime in the morning, has been gone all day, and still has not returned, leaving behind 3 kittens that are just over 2 weeks old. My grandma and I are wondering what we can feed these guys as...
  8. Goofball Ivy

    New Kittens Only Hours Old!

    So I heard a fun little story about the kittens today. Apparently the little tabby decided to hiss at my grandma earlier today lol. He's been pretty bold in exploring and playing with his siblings with his surprise attacks, and trying to get out of the box. It's rather amusing to hear he's...
  9. Goofball Ivy

    New Kittens Only Hours Old!

    I plan on having many pictures and videos of these cuties! I'll probably opt for videos when they can walk properly since they no doubt won't hold still enough for proper pictures at that point lol. And they aren't stuck in a room so mama cat regularly roams the house for breaks since the...
  10. Goofball Ivy

    New Kittens Only Hours Old!

    Update! Kittens are thriving and doing great! They all have their eyes open now and their personalities are starting to shine through which is really cute and fun to watch. The little white/siamese kitten is the calmest and most mellow out of the three of them so far. Not much seems to faze...
  11. Goofball Ivy

    New Kittens Only Hours Old!

    I'll try to do that the next time I see them. Kind of hard to do since they like to squirm a lot lol. Thanks, I'll take a look at that a bit later :)
  12. Goofball Ivy

    New Kittens Only Hours Old!

    The little family is doing great. They're growing quickly and the tabby kitten is the largest out of the three of them so far, and his fur is the longest so we think he really is going to be long furred once he's an adult. The little siamese looking kitten is the smallest still but is still...
  13. Goofball Ivy

    New Kittens Only Hours Old!

    Thank you all for your input. Things are being dealt with the best they can be in this situation, and for reference (since I noticed some links and such) we do not live in the US, but in Canada. So some things are not the same when it comes to getting cats spayed and neutred. For example, in my...
  14. Goofball Ivy

    New Kittens Only Hours Old!

    Can't get enough of how adorable the kittens are so I decided to draw the little cat family last night. Hard to believe in a few weeks they'll be running around like little maniacs lol Right now they still look so tiny and fragile.
  15. Goofball Ivy

    New Kittens Only Hours Old!

    I believe that's something she's trying to do, but keep in mind she's an elderly lady that just went through knee surgery so to stop a cat from running out unexpectedly isn't very easy for her to do. And we live in a small town with only one vet option, so thanks for the offer, but there's no...