Recent Content by glowcloud

  1. glowcloud

    Cat Is Afraid Of One Of Her Owners

    My partner and I adopted a two-year-old cat about four months ago. It took some patience (and lots of treats), but she's become an absolute sweetheart towards me, sleeping on top of me at night and following me around the house like a furry shadow throughout the day. She hasn't warmed up to my...
  2. glowcloud

    Difficulty Giving Extremely Anxious Cat Eye Drops

    Thank you so much for your advice! I didn't know about the timer trick - that's an excellent idea! I'm making sure she gets plenty of treats and playtime (she's very play-oriented, possibly even more so than food!) right after the eye drops and throughout the day.
  3. glowcloud

    Difficulty Giving Extremely Anxious Cat Eye Drops

    Thank you for your advice Denice! We're using a Feliway defuser and it seems to have helped a little. We'll try the Bach Flower Remedies - Rescue Remedy as well, and may have to resort to getting a prescription for the 10 days.
  4. glowcloud

    Difficulty Giving Extremely Anxious Cat Eye Drops

    My partner and I adopted our cat, Matilda, from a shelter about a month ago. She suffered trauma prior to being rescued by the shelter she was at (she cowers and sometimes runs whenever you make sudden movements around her, especially with hands, so my vet has suggested she may have been abused...