Recent Content by gemma2020

  1. G

    Smelly cat rumbling tummy

    Thanks for all your help and advice. I saw a different vet last week who totally agreed with me that he isn't well. He tested for the giardia and another bug that wasn't in the initial test we had done. All came back negative. He said we may never get a diagnosis even if we had scans done. He...
  2. G

    Smelly cat rumbling tummy

    Thanks guys. I did change his food as I first thought ibs. It didn't make much difference and he wouldn't eat it. I've stopped changing his food and kept him on the senior felix as he will eat it and his weight is dropping so need him to eat. He is on renal tablets and had worming drops from the...
  3. G

    Smelly cat rumbling tummy

    Hi for nearly a year now my 16yr male has had loose poo. Not watery it's the pastey light brown type. Had full bloods done twice in last yr. came back renal so he on fortekor. His stomach is so noisy. You can hear it like liquids running about in there. He stinks too. He leaves the bad smell...
  4. G

    15 yr old male looking sad

    Thanks I will mention all to the vet. I've book another appt for Wednesday morning. Luckily I have pet insurance!
  5. G

    15 yr old male looking sad

    Yes I'm in England sorry wasn't sure where you guys were. My vets do a special health check up for the senior cat. He said it was cheaper than doing separate blood tests. So it covered kidneys and all the usual things. They have made it sound like there is nothing left to test. I asked for his...
  6. G

    15 yr old male looking sad

    Hi I'm new here! I've got 3 cats. It's my boy frankie I'm here for. He is 15 yrs old and neutered. He doesn't have a litter tray he always been outside. 8 or 9 months ago he started to occasionally do a poo on my front room carpet or on the rug in the bathroom. Always at night and always the...