Recent Content by gatosmama

  1. gatosmama


    A number of friends and family members can't believe the lengths I have gone to get this issue settled.  So many times I hear that if they were dealing with this that they would've given the cat up by now but that just isn't an option for me.  That would be like giving up a child just because...
  2. Cleo 6-1-14 02.jpg

    Cleo 6-1-14 02.jpg



  4. Snuggles Sept 2014.jpg

    Snuggles Sept 2014.jpg

  5. gatosmama


    @thesighrye I'm glad your issues have pretty much been contained.  Unfortunately we are still fighting our battles.  Cleo will use the litter boxes to go potty but is still spraying in the bedroom.  We closed on our house early and slowly moved in over a couple of weeks.  The day we closed I put...
  6. gatosmama


    It's been a few weeks - how's it going @thesighrye? For the most part we go issue-free.  I don't know if the mystery kitty has been absent or if our girls just don't react like they were.  They still don't cuddle like they used to but they are getting closer and haven't had hissy fits lately. ...
  7. gatosmama


    Ooooh, you have a mystery kitty too!  I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of the the issue you've been having too. Miss Cleo got her butt smacked last night.  She was willing to use her litter box before I cleaned it and a little later I forgot to remind her to use it again before bed. ...
  8. gatosmama


    @thesighrye I have decided no more posting how good they have been for me!  Every single time I post on here that they are being good/no accidents or tell someone at work, I go home to find pee and spray.  It seems that if they are not peeing in their box that they are at least peeing on a puppy...
  9. gatosmama


    We have only seen that kitty once and in the brief look I got, it appeared to be in good health.  The cat appeared to have long hair so I can't say for sure how well fed the cat was but it didn't have any matted fur that I could see and was light colored without appearing dirty (as light colored...
  10. gatosmama


    We had a bit of a revelation last night ourselves.  I still found some spots of spraying/peeing going on in the bedroom this week.  At first, I thought it was Cleo and that her mouth was still sore (on top of upset tummy from antibiotics).  Now I'm wondering if it's both of them and if Sophie's...
  11. gatosmama


    @thesighrye It sounds like her teeth issues were the cause of our litter box issues.  She was on some good painkillers this weekend - she barely moved and I think the room spun when she did sit up because she would quickly lay back down.  Even with that, she made it to her favorite litter box...
  12. gatosmama


    Well, we got some pretty good news at the pick up appointment this afternoon! All 3 kidney function tests were in the normal range and her pH level even improved!  The vet said it most likely was caused by her teeth.  She said the 2 that are being reabsorbed looked like they have been painful...
  13. gatosmama


    I will shamefully admit that I have agonized over keeping her.  Ok, the thought of giving her up and just typing that sentence has me in tears.  That alone is one reason she is still with us.  I know that if I were to give up on her, at 14 she would be put down and she wouldn't take to rehoming...
  14. gatosmama


    So tomorrow is the big day at the vets.  Cleo goes in for teeth cleaning and another round of lab work.  She hasn't gone a full week without peeing or spraying in the bedroom since June when this began and it still doesn't smell like typical cat pee smell, so I think the vet will find that she...
  15. gatosmama


    I drop her off the morning of 7/25 for her teeth cleaning.  That's when they will finish her booster shots and draw up another blood panel.  In the meantime, I have used the same spray we use on the floor for the bedroom door and the table we use to block the door.  I have to clean those carpets...