
My cats are my biggest hobby, they're so much fun.
I got them both at three months of age, but gave Biscuit to my neighbour along the corridor, who looked after her for three years until he died.
She had not been out before and prefers to stay at home, but she sorely missed her previous owner when he passed and I took her to his address every evening to help her mourn.
Now she comes for a walk every night and is so intelligent. She's so much fun on the way home, hiding behind cars then dashing in front of me as I pass, letting me get far ahead then running at top speed! She is funny.

Baby is such a lovely cat too and he has a wicked sense of humour. He's an outdoor cat and loves to hide from me. There are some days when he doesn't come when I call him, and he might do that for several days in a row, then one day he comes walking with me and starts to show me, in the cheekiest of ways, the places he hides from me!

I really couldn't have hoped for better cats than these two!

Here's a video of me walking Biscuit and meeting up with Baby:
Hackney, London
Interests (Hobbies, favorite activities, etc.)