Recent Content by Fozzy402

  1. Fozzy402

    Snowshoe/ragdoll Mix?

    I figured he must be a good mix of something, I've just been curious. Thanks for the reply! :)
  2. Fozzy402

    Snowshoe/ragdoll Mix?

    Ok awesome! Thank you! really appreciate the reply!
  3. Fozzy402

    Fozzy, Yao, & Adajjio

    Thank you so much! I am in love with this site already! so much great info and welcoming friends! :happycat:
  4. Fozzy402

    Fozzy, Yao, & Adajjio

    Thank you so much! My kitties are blushing. hehe :redheartpump:
  5. Fozzy402

    Fozzy, Yao, & Adajjio

    Thank yooou!!:)
  6. Fozzy402

    Fozzy, Yao, & Adajjio

    Thank you so much! :)
  7. Fozzy402

    Snowshoe/ragdoll Mix?

    Hi guys! I'm very new to the site, just started today. My husband and I have a 6 year old kitty name Fozzy who we think is a Snowshoe/Ragdoll mix but we have no way of knowing because we found him outside as a kitten. No mama around or owner to claim him so we took him home. Every since we've...
  8. Fozzy402

    Fozzy, Yao, & Adajjio

    Hi guys!! My name is Yaremi (like Jeremy but change the J to a Y) My husband, Dalton, and I have two furbabies named Yao and Fozzy. Yao is a 14 year old female Siamese mix (we think) and Fozzy is a 6 year old male Snowshoe/Ragdoll mix (we think) and my mother-in-law has 18 year old Adajjio who...