Recent Content by forgetmeryl

  1. forgetmeryl

    Bugs in the litter box??

    I've used Tidy Cat since I brought them home and we've LOVED it.  I haven't put any baking soda in the litter box since we moved and I bet that would work.  We have a lot of trees and wooded area around here too and the bugs are soooo thick out here that I think they may be coming inside every...
  2. forgetmeryl

    Bugs in the litter box??

    I am actually going through this same problem right now.  We just moved a month or so ago and ever since we've had little gnats in the litter box.  I have 2 cats and I scoop EVERY night religiously, and I clean it with pinesol once a week and I'm still finding gnats.  Our old house was one level...