Recent Content by fluffnuggetmama

  1. fluffnuggetmama

    A battle with a rodent ulcer: how effective are allergy shots?

    Thank you both for your responses and for more suggestions. I am thankful for thecatsite because it does allow me to see that others have had similar issues. And I have tried the things listed above except L-Lysine and colloidal silver. I had another cat that didn't respond to L-Lysine, but it's...
  2. fluffnuggetmama

    A battle with a rodent ulcer: how effective are allergy shots?

    Hi all, My poor 4yo male kitty has had a stubborn rodent ulcer for a little over a year now. I'm convinced now that it's environmental allergy-related-- he's currently on a hydrolyzed protein wet food diet and has been on a hydrolyzed protein for over a year. The ulcer responded very well for...
  3. fluffnuggetmama

    Need advice: lovable young cat with a handful of comorbidities

    Also, I enjoyed the video that mrsgreenjeens linked on pilling the unpillable cat. I have also crushed pills and mixed them with canned food, but didn't think about rubbing them on his lips because of his ulcer. Maybe if Benji's ulcer heals enough I can do that.
  4. fluffnuggetmama

    Need advice: lovable young cat with a handful of comorbidities

    Ugh, I can't even begin to describe the relief that I have reading your comments! I didn't even think of subcutaneous injections. My current vet did prescribe some transdermal steroids, but she sad the efficiency is controversial and could do more harm than good. But I am looking up cat-only...
  5. fluffnuggetmama

    Need advice: lovable young cat with a handful of comorbidities

    TLDR: my cat is young (4yo), but has all these chronic issues that make me question his quality of life. Should this cat live a life full of prescription medications, vet appointments, and discomfort? My handsome tuxedo male cat Benji just turned 4, and is soft and playful (see profile pic)...