Recent Content by FloridaTony

  1. FloridaTony

    Urinary blockage

    I had 5 indoor cats.. 2 have since passed. One was just 10, died of nasal tumor. The other just passed this past Monday at 13 yrs old of Megacolon. One had two UTI blocks about 4 yrs apart and the other had a block/with blood just once. My only boy left was DX last Oct with IDIOPATHIC...
  2. FloridaTony

    Cisapride 10 mg tablets

    THANK YOU ! Great info.
  3. FloridaTony

    Cisapride 10 mg tablets

    Yes, moderate megacolon. The Cisapride with Lactolose is being tweaked for now. He had constipation in 2014, then again in 2018 both cleared with enemas and fiber foods perfectly for years. Two weeks ago he had to have a obstipation. Great ideas you mentioned but he is beyond that at 13.5 years old.
  4. FloridaTony


    thank you..yes i try to do them all..wish i just had 1 cat not 4 in times like these.
  5. FloridaTony


    He has always been a very nervous cat and has lived 13 years in a four multi cat home. The Amitriptyline does wonders as just 1/2 tab every other happy with what I see since OCT 2020...just wondering what other folks do. But my other boy is now with colon issues and on Cisapride with...
  6. FloridaTony


    13 year old male cat. Recently DX with Idiopathic Cystitus. He is on 5mg Amityriptiline every other day. Works good but has issues when under stress. Thoughts?
  7. FloridaTony

    Cisapride 10 mg tablets

    I meant CISAPRIDE 5MG TABS not 10MG
  8. FloridaTony

    Cisapride 10 mg tablets

    13 yr old male cat...has had constipation and on fiber RX food for years. Just had Obstipation. Now on Lactolose and Cisapride daily. We are tweaking meds with vet to get him pooping daily. He is going now but not regularly like before. SUGGESTIONS AND IDEAS WELCOMED.