Recent Content by feline03

  1. feline03


    Has anyone had experience/dealing with your cat having been diagnosed with probable IBD or lymphoma? My cat has been vomiting after he eats nearly every day and has been on pepsid and anti nausea meds for at least a couple of weeks now with no help most days. He is on a raw diet of rabbit and...
  2. feline03

    Ibd weight loss

    Hi, new here. I'm going to start my cat on the same med. Did it help him?
  3. feline03

    Portioning raw food

    I have been using Rabbit now for about 4 months.  I grind my own.  The butcher thaws it and cuts up the whole rabbit for me.  I do supplement it with boneless chicken thighs.  See Dr. Piersons recipe update on Cat Nutrition.  use 50/50 blend bone ratio.  You do have to add supplements.  That is...
  4. feline03

    Transitioning to raw not too successful

    Hi All,  I just went back and read more posting on the thread I started.  Jojo is now a little over 9 pounds.  The vet said she didn't think he was too thin.  He eats anywhere from 1 to 2 oz or raw at a time twice a day and treats sometimes at night but I don't think that is enough.  He really...
  5. feline03


    LTS3, thank you for the reply.  I have 3 cats and have bought a grinder.  I started in the beginning of November and have used only chicken and rabbit so far.  I use the recipe from Dr. Pierson or Feline's Nutrition (Natasha Willie).  I can't afford to by the ground for three cats and I use my...
  6. feline03

    How do you pack and store your raw food?

    I put mine in the freezer bags also to save space.  I am finding that it is cumbersome and messy to spoon out the portion though.   I have three cats and usually put about 5 ounces in each bag and then weight out each portion I want to give. There are a lot of great ideas for storing.  However...
  7. feline03


    I have been transitioning to raw since the beginning of November. I use mostly chicken thighs and have used rabbit once. I wondered if any other kind of raw meat can be used as well.  I was making meatloaf last night and one of my cats liked the raw hamburg.  The other did not. Does anyone...
  8. feline03

    I don't think that I can afford homemade food

    I have 3 cats that I am transitioning.  I make my own food and do not use any "premix".  I use supplements as listed from Dr. Pierson or Feline Nutrition site.  It has cost me $20 per week to feed 3 cats.  If I gave them 2 cans of grain free a day (6 cans a day @ 1.40 per can of Soulistic by...
  9. feline03

    Leaving Raw Food Out

    Does Frosty bowl keep the food cold?  I feed it warmed.  I don't know if they will eat it cold. Thanks
  10. feline03

    Leaving Raw Food Out

    It is a homemade raw food (Dr. Pierson or Feline Nutrition recipe). I have 3 cats and they are in transition, so 1/2 of it is canned food for two of my cats and the other 1/2 is raw.  They both are grazers, eat a little and go back to it a while later and eat more. I have left it out for about...
  11. feline03

    Leaving Raw Food Out

    Does anybody know how long you can safely leave raw cat food out for them to eat? Thanks.
  12. feline03

    Transitioning to raw not too successful

     I am in the third week of transition.  I used to free feed dry, Nature's Variety, freeze dry raw coated and took that away.  After that, I just fed them grain free Soulistic.  as suggested by Feline Nutrition site, I cut up some raw chicken breast and they ate it.  I then bought all the...
  13. feline03

    Comment by 'feline03' in article 'How Can I Give A Pill To My Cat'

    Hi 2catlady.  Yes, I have to give my cat a fiber "capsule" which is quite large once a day.  I used to give it in the morning but had to chase him and often ran out of time to leave the house to go to work.  I now give it to him when I get home from work; I am not so pressured for time and I'm...
  14. feline03


    Thank you Puck.  You have quite the knowledge.  Are you a tech?  For some reason yesterday and today he has seemed his old self.  Has, seemed to me, got his kick back.  Maybe the fiber is doing him good.  He is a very private cat.  I don't see him eat dry food or go to the litter box as I do my...
  15. feline03


    @GoHolistic  and Puck I had originally brought him in just for a blood test because of the gut feeling.  His weight fluctuates by a pound.  On November 8th he weighed 10.8, 11/17 10.6 and 2/17 9.8.  He maintained a weight of 9.6-9.8 from 3/30/14 to 9/10. At the vets he was 9.6   He was acting...