Recent Content by faerielights

  1. faerielights

    Chester and Timothy

    Thank you all so much ❤
  2. faerielights

    Chester and Timothy

    Thank you so much ❤ I know it will get easier with time, since I remember Gabby and Timmy more fondly than sadly these days, but it's hard to remember that when the wound is so fresh. But you're right, I just have to take it one day at a time. And I have actually toyed around with the idea of...
  3. faerielights

    Chester and Timothy

    Thank you ❤ I've been trying to convince myself of that, and hopefully if I repeat it enough I'll start to believe it.
  4. faerielights

    Chester and Timothy

    We got Chester and Timmy when I was around eleven, roughly two years after our last cat, Gabby (Gabriel) had passed away. Losing Gabby hit me hard, as he had been there for my entire life, and we had to put him down the day before my ninth birthday (he was 19, and his body was failing him)...