Recent Content by evjo

  1. evjo

    Help rescue cat spraying, pooping and urinating all over couch and floor

    Hello,  I thought I had replied to the last message.  Louis, the adopted cat, is doing really really well now.  The couch that she kept marking seemed to be the culprit. We did some tests. Removed all the pillows and put the food bowls in each corner of the couch (where she liked to spray)...
  2. evjo

    Help rescue cat spraying, pooping and urinating all over couch and floor

    Hey there,  There hasn't been any new people over or contact with any other animals and we live in an apartment on the 4th floor. There are other animals in the building of course but the couch is located on the very corner of the building away from the door. As far as ferals, we live in Sweden...
  3. evjo

    Help rescue cat spraying, pooping and urinating all over couch and floor

    Hello,  I just wanted to give an update.  So its been a couple of weeks. The cats have been introduced -- I could not keep them apart, in fact. Louis (adopted cat) constantly rubs against Maja (resident cat) and tries to cuddle and play with her. The cats love playing with eachother and only...
  4. evjo

    Help rescue cat spraying, pooping and urinating all over couch and floor

    Thanks for the reply!  The rescue home took her to the vet prior and then delivered her so there shouldn't be any issues. But I guess they wouldn't have checked this issue since she used the litter box in her confined bathroom sized home at the shelter. Regardless, if it doesn't show any signs...
  5. evjo

    Help rescue cat spraying, pooping and urinating all over couch and floor

    Hello!  My boyfriend and I have a 1 year old cat , Maja, that is super social with humans and other animals, loves to play and cuddle. We decided to rescue another cat, she is one year old named Louis, born outside and previously lived with another owner who adopted her and her brother. However...