Recent Content by euph

  1. E

    Winter Shelter / Behavior Question

    Thanks for the responses.... Guess all I can do now is watch and keep my fingers crossed.   The arctic weather is headed straight for us and should be here tomorrow night.    I feel badly for them having to endure conditions like this. Euph
  2. E

    Winter Shelter / Behavior Question

    I live near Buffalo, NY where the temps will be getting very cold Monday & Tuesday.   Wind chills of 20-30 below are being forecast.   I have 4 ferals on my property ( A mama cat and 3 of her almost adult kittens)   The kittens have bonded and have separated from Mama.   I have 2 kitty tube...
  3. A Very Happy Ending

    A Very Happy Ending

  4. E

    A Very Happy Ending

    A very happy ending for a semi-feral :) This fella was my very first TNR... I trapped and had him neutered on June 19th.  He is the Daddy cat from my colony.   I was unable to catch the Mama and kittens at the time...I will be getting them soon.   The funny thing was that when I went to...
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  7. E

    2 Questions About Feral Cat Behavior & Care

    Question #1.    I've been feeding a female feral cat since last February.   Many days, she waits right outside of my house for her morning feeding.  She has never gotten any closer to me than a couple feet away.  If I would try to get any closer, she would retreat a few more feet away.   I've...
  8. E

    Introducing Ms. Kitty

    No... I don't know how far along she is and I don't have any prior experience with cats to even make a guess.   I had a chuckle earlier today...There is a chain link fence in my back yard and I was watching her trying to squeeze thru where the corners meet.   It took her 2 or 3 attempts to...
  9. Introducing Ms. Kitty

    Introducing Ms. Kitty

  10. E

    Introducing Ms. Kitty

    Here's the story behind Ms. Kitty... She's been hanging around the neighborhood for at least a couple years now, taking refuge beneath mine & my neighbor's decks & sheds.  An elderly woman who lived 2 doors away had been feeding her... the woman passed away about a year ago.   Ms. Kitty had a...
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  13. E

    Has anyone used the kitty tube?

    I know this thread is a bit old... I am a new member and want to share my experience with this topic... I recently purchased the kitty tube ( can get it cheaper from (this is the direct store) rather than from amazon or other places.    It's a really nice, sturdy...