Recent Content by escia

  1. escia

    Separating two cats and adopting a new one?

    Thanks for your response. I feel like the cats are both accepting of each other but not so much on an "attachment level" both ways. Honestly it seems like Beanie isn't particularly attached to Momo, but Momo is to Beanie. Momo is always checking out Beanie, follows him, and will run up and start...
  2. escia

    Separating two cats and adopting a new one?

    Hi everyone. I haven't been on this forum in a while! I guess that's a good thing since that ultimately means we haven't had any big problems with our cats. Well, there is a bit of an issue now, and I'd like your opinions. Sorry in advance for all of the details, they just seem very necessary...
  3. escia


    Oh, wow I did not realize that! I must have been reading a bad webpage, or an old webpage. Thanks!
  4. escia


    Hi everyone, I am a little bit worried about getting one of my cats microchipped. Momo has already been spayed and I could not afford having her microchipped at the same time (we were adopting another cat who wouldn't be released to us until Momo was spayed). I have been meaning to get her...
  5. escia

    Do cats know we love them?

    I'm curious - I only ever see articles on knowing if our cats love us, but do they know we love them? I know all cats express their affection differently - my cat Momo is very attached to me, loves to snuggle with me in bed. My other cat Beanie bumps his head against my legs. How do we express...
  6. escia

    Should we get another cat?

    I don't think you should get a second cat unless it seems like your cat would benefit from having another one around. You shouldn't get a second cat to make YOURSELF feel better about leaving her alone, some cats just don't have the personality to cope with having another cat around. I have two...
  7. escia


    Here are some pictures below of Momo, my first: Sorry the pictures are so bad!!! They were all taken on my basic phone. I will probably take more pictures of her on my IPod.
  8. Newbie


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  12. escia

    Wanting a second kitten!

    Thanks everyone! I've actually picked out the kitten - his name is Beanie and he's adorable! I'm picking him up next week after Momo is spayed! :) Thanks for all the help!
  13. escia


    Pictures will come eventually!
  14. escia


    Hi everyone, I am a relatively new cat mommy! I have one gray 4month DSH named Momo and she is my world!! I got her from a family friend, and she was the runt of the litter and the shyest! She was so hard to see the first time I visited! I've had her since she was about 2 and a half months old...
  15. escia

    Wanting a second kitten!

    Thank you!