Recent Content by Elanley

  1. Elanley

    How can I monitor my cat’s urine output at home?

    I posted a thread earlier because my cat was showing some concerning symptoms. My vet told me theres nothing they can really do unless he’s blocked and to just keep monitoring him and keep him on pain and muscle relaxer medication while his new special prescription urinary care diet takes...
  2. Elanley

    Cat with struvite urinary crystals (now on a urinary care diet) peeing outside the catbox today

    Well he was slowly introduced to the new (dry) food over the course of 5 days and has now been solely on it for over a week, so I don’t think that’s it. I called the vet and they said since he’s urinating a fair amount it means he’s not blocked and there’s really nothing they can do for him. So...
  3. Elanley

    Cat with struvite urinary crystals (now on a urinary care diet) peeing outside the catbox today

    So about two weeks ago I noticed something seemed very off with my 1.5year old male, long-haired cat. He was extremely lethargic and hiding under my bed (something he has never done before). I kept an eye on him and began noticing very frequent unproductive trips to the catbox, and licking of...