Recent Content by DeenaHiggs

  1. D

    How to get rescued cat terrified of being picked up seen by vet

    thanks for helping Vera, I hope you get to keep her
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    How to get rescued cat terrified of being picked up seen by vet

    just to add why would she refuse to remove the peace lillies when they poison cats? seems a little sinister
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    How to get rescued cat terrified of being picked up seen by vet

    A feliway spray is very calming, vets use the plug ins all over their surgeries. Can you get behind the cat and put a thick blanket over her then firmly hold her and scoop her up then push her in to a carrier with your husband holding the carrier and swooping in with it? The cat might be...
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    Male cat needing hugs

    yes i am homseschooling so home a lot but could get my daughter to encourage him to sleep with her so he gets some extra love. There were two others in the litter that I had to sell against my wishes and one was a boy, I regret it now but it felt sensible, wish the vet bills were cheaper as they...
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    Male cat needing hugs

    ah cute, i love that they have their different personalities and ways of interacting, yours are lovely 😊
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    Male cat needing hugs

    lost my reply, mean’t “there” not their, shame you can’t edit posts, i will look online! i put furry blankets on the bed in rough donut shapes but will experiment more
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    Male cat needing hugs

    yes that’s a good idea, they all have a separate furry igloo bed on top of a canvas wardrobe that’s nailed to the wall and their are cat trees and plenty of litter trays and bowls to give them space, i’ll look online
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    Male cat needing hugs

    I need some advice, I have 4 cats, a mum and her 3 kittens who are nearly 2 years old, one boy and 3 girls in total. They get along fine and play in the garden together and mum still lets the boy eat first and waits for hers second, even stepping back and letting him eat hers as he is greedy and...