Recent Content by David in Keizer

  1. David in Keizer

    Caring for a dying cat?

    By the way the oncologist said that extending life through chemotherapy can give 11-12 more months at best, in Sophie's case it's likely to be only a few more months. That's a lot to put her through for that. I guess. It's not my idea of her best last few months of her life.
  2. David in Keizer

    Caring for a dying cat?

    Thanks again for everyone's advice and experiences. I talked to Sophie's oncologist at OSU, and I've decided against chemo and for palliative care at home. She's fragile now and already gets stressed when traveling -- the last thing I want is her dying by herself in the traveling crate in the...
  3. David in Keizer

    Caring for a dying cat?

    Also, both the vet and the hospital do not allow owners into their buildings. If I have to euthanize her, is it possible these days to get a vet to come to my house? I'd prefer to do that in any case instead of the stress of taking her there. I just don't know if vets do that.
  4. David in Keizer

    Caring for a dying cat?

    Thanks very much for the replies, I appreciate them. Right now she might be having problems with both back legs but in any case seems unsure she can get up and seems very confused about it when she tries. So she lays back down and goes back to sleep. If she can't eventually make it to the litter...
  5. David in Keizer

    Caring for a dying cat?

    I would appreciate any advice on caring for my cat, who is beginning to die. Sophie, 11 years and 10 months and 100 per cent sweetness and kindness, has high-grade lymphoma and, the veterinary hospital said Friday, 6 to 8 weeks to live. She’s gone from 16.7 lbs to 10 lbs in a year, and has lost...