Recent Content by dadofmiles

  1. dadofmiles

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Hi, I was hoping to get some advice from some of you that went through this. It has been 2 1/2 weeks since the surgery and as long as I keep the collar on Miles everything is fine, but if I take it off and he licks the area sometimes within 30 minutes he is bleeding so I'm still keeping the e...
  2. dadofmiles

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Glad to hear Walter is improving. Hope he is still doing well. I just wanted to give an update on Miles. Was hoping we were going to be able to avoid the surgery, but after 3 weeks things started going downhill again and he is scheduled for surgery at 9am in the morning. I hope I can get some...
  3. dadofmiles

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Hi, thanks for the warm wishes for Miles. Just wanted to give an update. With the prescription canned food and adding water to his diet and not allowing any dry food at all, he is much improved. I'm still being cautious, but am very optimistic for him. Just wanted to let everyone know. Thanks...
  4. dadofmiles

    My Experience With Blockages and PU Surgery

    Hi, I just wanted to post. I read all these posts and feel for everyone that has gone through this. I have an 8 month old kitten Miles that started exhibiting symptoms around Christmas and developed a complete blockage on the 13th of January. He has been at the vets office ever since and been...