Recent Content by CThom17

  1. CThom17

    My Solid Brown Rescue Kitty

    Not to hijack the thread but in certain lighting conditions, Forrest looks like a completely different cat. My son was shocked when I showed him this picture. He almost didn't believe me that it was him lol. He has a lot of brown under that grey.
  2. CThom17

    My Solid Brown Rescue Kitty

    That's their goal. If they don't have info on a certain breed immediately, that doesn't mean they won't have that info in the near future. To me anything is better than what we as cat owners have now which is basically nothing. UC Davis doesn't give you breed information. I emailed them and...
  3. CThom17

    My Solid Brown Rescue Kitty

    Actually after contacting UC Davis they will not give you the info you are looking for. Sorry for the plug but is a much better option as they will give you breed info as well as everything else UC Davis does AND if they find something years from now you'll have access to that info...
  4. CThom17

    Post your cat as a kitten and now!

    Forrest - October 2015 Forrest - November 2017
  5. CThom17

    I Has An Expresshun!

    You nailed it! :yess:
  6. CThom17

    I Has An Expresshun!

    "This is my sink. There are many like it, but this one is mine..."
  7. CThom17

    I Has An Expresshun!

  8. CThom17

    Cats in Sinks!!

    Keanu loves drinking water out of the sink too...
  9. CThom17

    I Has An Expresshun!

    "I has expresshuns too"
  10. CThom17

    I Has An Expresshun!

    Thank you!
  11. CThom17

    Cats in Sinks!!

    Thanks M.A. :wave3:
  12. CThom17

    I Has An Expresshun!

    This is my favorite Keanu expresshun
  13. CThom17

    Post your sleeping beauties!!!

    Good because most of the time we call Keanu "Little Cat" and if/when he gets bigger than Forrest, he'll still be "Little Cat" lol.
  14. CThom17

    Cats in Sinks!!

    A few more...I'm fascinated by Keanu's posture. When he's sprawled out on the bed or the floor he's just as long as Forrest but he can still fit in the bathroom sink, no problem!